Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tutorial Four and Five: Video Production Sessions

Task One: Follow instructions and work in a small group to plan and produce and edit a 30 second short.

I worked with Dana, Melissa and Margie and shot a small 30 second video which we have edited and loaded onto this blog page.

Task Two: Set up a U Tube account

Task Three: Follow instructions to posting your video on U Tube.

Task Four (Blog Posting): Provide a brief summary of the services offered by U Tube. Information can be drawn from the week five tutorial hand out.

You Tube allows people to post items of interest to themselves and possibly the world onto the Net to allow others to access them. These can be funny items, educational, informative or just stupid. Often items of interest from News stories around the world are posted there they can be accessed by anyone any where in the world who has access to the internet.

Task Five (Blog Posting): Provide a brief account (1-2 paragraphs) on how the use of planning (storyboarding and scripting aided your groups short film.

We used the templates that were supplied and worked a story round leaves on campus. We decided where we were going to go and look for leaves. We wanted to include the trees by the Leith Stream by the commerce building and the ducks under the bridge. We insert ideas into each of the storyboard boxes and then went out on collected images. We used a mixture of stills and short film pieces that we had discussed. We went aorund the campus and recorded these with each of us taking paper in the shots or behind the camera. We did change ideas during the recording but this was due to not finding the appropriate sights that we had written on our storyboards. We collect ans shot a lot more images than we need to and then return to class to use the Imac computers to edit our shots and overlay the music to make the piece to load to You Tube.

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